You never get a second chance to make a first impression. Whether we are aware of it or not, we all form an opinion of any given website very quickly and few things can make or break our opinion faster than the quality of the graphics, images and photos we see. When building a website, there is always the temptation to use our own images – either to showcase our products or services or to save a little money. This is one of those areas where it rarely pays to take shortcuts. There are times when using your images will be just fine, but one of the most common mistakes people make when building their own website is using blurry, low resolution or sub-standard images which diminish the overall aesthetic of the site. To avoid falling into this trap, I strongly encourage clients to consider using stock images or photos that will convey the right tone and message and create that professional looking website they are striving for.

There are several stock image sites out there, but I always seem to come back to who have a huge selection of reasonably priced images (usually just a few pounds each) for just about any purpose you might need.


About Alex

Wordpress consultant, web designer & aspiring photographer

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Quick & Easy

Even though many fixes can be done quickly, there is definitely a limit to what can be achieved in 15 minutes, an hour or even 5 hours! Given the unique nature of each site and each issue, it is impossible to itemise every scenario here, however below is an indication of the most common type of tasks included and those not included in our Quick & Easy plan.

INCLUDED(NOT a complete list!)

£ 15

Per task

  • Small design, style and CSS changes
  • Small graphic editing
  • Quick theme/plugin configurations
  • Plugin modifications
  • Small HTML changes
  • Forms fixes and modifications
  • WordPress version updates


£ 15

Per task

  • Responsive design
  • Complicated WP plugin development
  • Move WordPress site to another web host
  • Theme Installation/Setup
  • Unknown, undetermined or poorly specified fixes

What if I’m unsure or I got it wrong?

Have no fear… every order is moderated. If you end up asking for too much (which is not encouraged as it will slow down the experience) we will contact you and advise you how to edit it down, or if you still need the task done as requested we will advise you of the extra time and cost required to deliver it.
